With nothing to lose, nothing to do, they agreed to take part in the experiment.
The world was going havoc, war was raging in many countries, viruses proliferating. Miriodor world tour (their second of the year) was halted by an order of the Planet Commander in chief who declared a global confinement due to the pandemic. The crew was forced to land at a military airport in Antartica. No one anywhere around the globe could move anymore. Every person on Earth was confined to their home or to the location they were in, when the Order was promulgated.
Stranded, with nothing to do, Miriodor crew accepted to be the guinea-pigs of an experiment conducted on the military base adjacent to the airport. They would get a shot of an experimental vaccine called ‘Boomerang’, aptly named for its ability to re-kick in anytime their bodies detected the presence of a virus or the recurrence of a virus. So they got the shot.
Eventually, they set up their gear in order to occupy their days without sunlight. But when they began to play music, they noticed that this truly experimental drug had strange side-effects, giving them an extra-acute vision of all natural elements around them, up to the genetics. It was as if they were actually being able to tell the composition of everything around them, objects or life forms, down to the elements of the periodic table. They were able to see sound particles floating or moving in the air and it altered completely their vision of music, of their music.
Before the containment was lifted, setting them free to move on with their global tour, they had 43 minutes of music.